Archive | November, 2015

Simplicity is a Virtue

I see many business owners and managers who study their financial statements, chart KPIs, track trends and chase a percentage point here and there. I’ve been told one can’t have too much data. Really? Is this really that hard? I don’t think it needs to be. I prefer a simpler approach. I like one, or […]

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Debt Gets a Bad Rap

During the last economic downturn, debt got a bad name. And no wonder; too much debt and the subsequent decrease in asset values caused many people and businesses to get hurt or worse. But since that trauma, we’ve overreacted. Now, more than ever, (prudent) financial leverage makes sense. Rates have never been so low. For […]

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The Power of Planning

I’m a big proponent of planning. I believe that planning is a key—not “the” key—to being successful. You still need a value proposition and a business model that makes sense. You can plan all you want but if the business doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. But if you plan, you’ll probably figure out it doesn’t work […]

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The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People–Revisiting a Classic

Stephen R. Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is, without a doubt, one of the classics of business literature. But it is also widely used by non-profit organizations, government and, really, every type of organization and by anyone who wants to be more effective. The teachings can help anyone. Let’s review Covey’s Seven Habits: […]

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